Hyderabad.. next BarCamp?
Mumblings have started on organizing the next BarCamp. Any ideas fo what a contemporary & topical theme could be?Also, plans are afoot to accelerate the Entrepreneural engagements in these. As some suggested, best when the technology events are tied in with entrepreneural networking and mentor discussions. In line with this, and recent initiatives to start a Hyderabad Bootstrappers chapter, we may have teh first Bootstrappers get together tied to the next BarCamp. With TiE's spport.
Thoughts welcome.
BootStrappers network is essentially anetwork of budding/wishful entrepreneurs. Typoically young, and possibly students. It provides a network to offer assistance and collective "bargaining". I guess. I support it as it is a good option to get people that are nurturing ideas for enterprises/products to meet other people with similar intentions to exchange notes and approaches. And hopefully get possible mentors to also come in to provide any kind of handholding, or to sound out ideas. The key initiative is that thsi should be pitched as a forum to go to to meet other budding entrepreneurs. WIthout any discomfort or apprehensions- as might exist to goto events where large VCs and noted veterns come.
BarCamp-2? Check out: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/barcamphyderabad/message/61
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